Mount Hood Diabetes Health Economics Conference in Clinical Decision Making 2024

23-24 November 2024  |  Hong Kong


Professor Amanda Adler

Professor Amanda Adler
Professor of Diabetic Medicine and Health Policy, and Director of Diabetes Trial Unit, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Dr James Altunkaya

Dr James Altunkaya
NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow, Health Economics Research Centre (HERC), Oxford Population Health, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Dr Duy Tran An

Dr Duy Tran An
Co-Head and Associate Ptofessor, Health Economics and Simulation modelling for Chronic Disease (HESC) Unit, Centre for Health Policy, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Dr John Buckell

Dr John Buckell
NDPH Senior Research Fellow, Health Economics Research Centre (HERC), Oxford Population Health, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Professor Juliana Chan

Professor Juliana Chan
Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics and Director, Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Ms Sabrina Chan

Ms Sabrina Chan
Senior Executive Director, The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Hong Kong, China

Professor Philip Chiu

Professor Philip Chiu
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Professor of Robotic Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Dr Elaine Chow

Dr Elaine Chow
Associate Professor (Clinical), Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Deputy Medical Director (Non-oncology), Phase 1 Clinical Trial Centre, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Professor Philip Clarke

Professor Philip Clarke
Professor of Health Economics and Director, Health Economics Research Centre (HERC), Oxford Population Health, University of Oxford, United Kingdom

Dr Izzuna Mudla Mohamed Ghazali

Dr Izzuna Mudla Mohamed Ghazali 
Head of Horizon Scanning, Communication and Information Unit, Health Technology Assessment Section (MaHTAS), Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Dr Tina Lian

Dr Tina Lian
Associate Professor, School of Optometry, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

Dr Lee Ling Lim

Dr. Lee Ling Lim
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Dr Juliana Lui

Dr Juliana Lui 
Research Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Dr Phil McEwan

Dr Phil McEwan
Chief Executive Officer, Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) Limited, United Kingdom 

Dr Ming Wai Kit

Dr Wai Kit Ming
Assistant Professor and Co-Program Leader of MSc Public Health and Epidemiology postgraduate program, Department of Infectious Diseases and Public Health, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Professor Huang-Tz Ou

Professor Huang-Tz Ou
Professor, Institute of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Dr Jianchao Quan

Dr Jianchao Quan
Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Health Economics, Policy and Management, School of Public Health and Business School, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Dr Hui Shao

Dr Hui Shao
Associate Professor, Hubert Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, United States

Dr. Jarawee Sukmanee

Dr Jarawee Sukmanee
Researcher, Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), Thailand

Prof. Haipeng Xiao

Professor Haipeng Xiao
Executive Vice President, Sun Yat-sen University; President, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat Sen University, China

Dr. Richard Xu

Dr Richard Xu
Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

Dr Benjamin Yip

Dr Benjamin Yip
Associate Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Professor Joyce You

Professor Joyce You
Director and Professor, School of Pharmacy, Assistant Dean (Student Engagement), Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Dr. Richard Xu

Dr Michael Willis
Research Director, IHE - The Swedish Institute for Health Economics, Sweden

Dr Carlos Wong

Dr Carlos Wong
Associate Professor, Infectious Disease Epidemiology & Dynamics, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom

Dr Jenny Zhang

Dr Jenny Zhang
Research Associate, China National Health Development Research Center, China

Dr Ping Zhang

Dr Ping Zhang
Senior Health Economist and Team Lead, Division of Diabetes Translation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States

Call for Abstract 

Submission Deadline:

27 September 2024 (Friday)

Notification of Acceptance:
Mid of October 2024


- Diabetes risk prediction simulation model development and validation
- Artificial intelligence and health economic evaluation
- Healthcare economic burden of diabetes and NCDs
- Economic evaluation in diabetes and NCD management
- Patient preferences in diabetes and NCD management

Abstract Content

should not exceed 300 words and must include the following sections:

- Objective(s)
- Background
- Methods (research methods or innovation approach)
- Results and Conclusions (research results or innovation impact)
- References (optional, up to five; does not count towards word count)

Investigator Awards

Oral Presentations Award:
- USD500 (first place)

Travel Grants for Non-local Presenters Residing Outside Hong Kong:
- USD400 for 12 International presenters 



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